Quality rental equipment for electric utility powerline pulling and stringing

Equipment rentals and service you can trust

Our team has extensive experience working in the field for utility line construction and maintenance, and we know downtime matters most when it comes to rental equipment.

High-quality equipment

We work closely with our equipment supplier to design and manufacture quality grade stringing and pulling equipment.

Quick approval process

Our team works quickly to provide specs and rates, review credit, verify insurance, and get you the equipment you need.

Centrally located

Customers can pick up the rental equipment at one of our locations, or we can arrange delivery for an additional cost.

Who we serve

We provide high-quality rental equipment and outstanding service to three primary customers: 

Simple, straightforward
rental process

We aim to get you the equipment you need as soon as possible, whether you’re picking it up from us or requesting freight delivery. Our simple, straightforward rental process includes these steps:

Request equipment

Receive spec sheet
and rates

Set up rental account

Begin monthly rental